JReleaser v0.6.0 is out and about! There are a total of 64 items listed in the v0.6.0 milestone, please be mindful of the small set of breaking changes brought by this release. There are plenty of improvements in several areas, a quick summary of the highlights follows:
Several updates were made to the Homebrew packager. To begin with, artifacts that target both OSX and Linux can now be used in the same Formula. The binary
stanza is also supported in Casks, giving you the option to install a .zip
artifact. The appcast
stanza is supported in Casks as well. Finally, you can force a Cask to be created, instead of a Formula.
Sdkman has been split into a proper packager and an announcer. The reasoning behind this decision is to allow multiple candidates per project, also to split the publishing and the announcing steps. The old Sdkman announcer behavior remains in place if you only have a single distribution configured or if the Sdkman packager is not configured. One more thing, the releaseNotesUrl
is now configurable in case you'd like to use a different URL.
All uploaders (JFrog Artifactory & HTTP) now expose a downloadURL to templates. This is the URL required to download an artifact from the corresponding service. You may use this URL instead of the Git release URL for example, in which case you'd have explicitly configure the affected packager templates (if any).
Finer Artifact Control
You can now target with pinpoint accuracy how artifacts, files, and globs should be uploaded, released, checksumed, and signed. These 4 sections offer configurable properties to activate or deactivate their targets. You also have the choice of adding extra properties to artifacts fur further tweaking the desired behavior.
Partial Model Evaluation
Partial model evaluation lets you execute a release for artifacts matching a particular platform. Useful when dealing with Native Image and Native Package distributions when not all artifacts are locally available. Model properties may also be overridden from the command line, user or project properties (Maven), or project properties (Gradle).
Changelog formatting options now include the ability to hide specific commit categories (such as merge commits if you have configured such category) as well as contributors (such as bots). You can also format how contributors are displayed, for example linking to their Git profile with their username or name.
Like every other packager, the Docker packager now lets you publish packaged files (Dockerfile + supporting files) to a Git repository of your choice.
Article Announcer
Do you post a blog entry or an article after a release? Let JReleaser help you bootstrap that document using templates! The newly added article announcer can perform this task.
Template Functions
There's an initial set of functions added to the name templates available at any place where Mustache templates are in use. These functions let you modify the given input with formatting options such as uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, transform dots into dashes, and more.
As always, feedback is welcomed, feel free to file a ticket or start a discussion topic.
Keep on coding!
Image by sebastian del val from Pixabay