JReleaser v1.1.0 has just been released! This is the first feature release after v1.0.0
and it comes with a few goodies. The following sections describe new capabilities offered by this release.
One of JReleaser's core tenets is enabling releases to be posted from a local environment as a complement to performing this task at a CI or remote environment. For this to work all behavior configured on CI must also be available on a local environment. The newly added Download step lets you download files (assembly assets, templates, etc) from different sources such as FTP, HTTP, SCP, and SFTP.
Additional upload targets are now supported: FTP, SCP, and SFTP. These complement the existing Upload targets: JFrog Artifactory, HTTP, and AWS S3.
Native Executables
Starting with this release we've got additional means to run the CLI. Native executables for both Linux and MacOS (x86) are now ready for download. Support for Windows and ARM platforms will be added in the future.
Full list of changes available at the v1.1.0 milestone.
As always, feedback is welcomed, feel free to file a ticket or start a discussion topic.
Keep on coding!
Image by Marcin Zakowicz from Pixabay