JReleaser 1.12.0 has been released!

JReleaser v1.12.0 has just been released! The full list of issues can be found at the v1.12.0 milestone. This is a small release with a handful of enhancements, most notably added support for Sonatype's Publisher Portal API via a new deployer. We'd like to thank our most recent contributors.


Publisher Portal API via a new deployer
Also, handle Maven 4's build & consumer POM files, transparently.


Projects wishing to publish package filed to GitLab may use a projectIdentifier to locate a given repository instead of using the repository name. Useful for deeply nested repositories.


Log network calls made via Feign with a new magic property named jreleaser.feign.logger.level.

As always, feedback is welcomed, feel free to file a ticket or start a discussion topic.

Keep on coding!

Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash

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