April 10th marks yet another anniversary of JReleaser's first release, now on its third year and continuing to grow. If you missed yesterday's news, the project has joined the Commonhaus Foundation as a founding member project! We couldn't be more excited about this turn of events as this move ensures the continued success of the project. Contributions continue to flow, we thank all of our contributors, sponsors, and users, we just couldn't do it without you.
JReleaser added quite the feature set during these past 12 months, such as:
- Jib, and Winget as package managers.
- SLSA, SWID, and SBOM (via cyclonedx) support.
- Bluesky, and OpenCollective announcers.
- Better support for publishing to Maven Central via Nexus2.
- Tweaks to Changelog generation.
- And many more!
In terms of adoption, the tool collected 16k downloads just from the project's GitHub releases, which equates to an 80% increase of its total downloads when the project became 2 years old last April.
However, the most striking change in downloads can be seen from Maven Central which is currently sitting at 225k monthly downloads, a 3x increase!
Happy Birthday JReleaser! Here's to many more anniversaries!
As always, feedback is welcomed, feel free to file a ticket or start a discussion topic.
Keep on coding!
Image by Artturi Mäntysaari from Pixabay