2023 has come and gone. And well, it had its ups and downs. This is the 3rd post related to yearly releases (2021, 2022). On those previous years I managed to post 59 official releases, not counting the hundreds of early-access
releases on several of those projects thanks to JReleaser's excellent support for switching between snapshot and stable releases by changing a single configuration property.
How did 2023 fare against the previous years? Managed to post 42 releases this time. Happy to see Layrry and ModiTect reaching the 1.0.0
mark! JReleaser in turn kept pushing releases every 2 months as per its release cadence policy. A good chunk of those releases are related to kordamp-gradle-plugins, a set of plugins were designed to provide a structure similar to Maven's but for Gradle projects. Not surprisingly changes were related to Gradle 7 and Gradle 8 compatibility, as Gradle tends to bring API breakages on major releases (to be expected), but also from time to time they break minor releases by altering behavior ahead of and/or alongside deprecation notices. Here's the list of projects under my control that posted releases:
Project | Releases |
enforcer-gradle-plugin | 1 |
gipsy | 1 |
gm | 1 |
jarviz | 2 |
jipsy | 1 |
jreleaser | 7 |
jreleaser/release-action | 2 |
kordamp-gradle-plugins | 10 |
kordamp-maven-parent | 1 |
kordamp-parent | 7 |
layrry | 1 |
moditect | 2 |
moditect-org-parent | 1 |
pomchecker | 6 |
You'll notice that compared to prior years there are less Gradle plugins listed. This is due to the aforementioned compatibility issues and the need to update the enabling Kordamp plugins (consumed by almost every Java project I post, except for a few which rely on Maven). Moreover, the churn of dealing with constant changes from Gradle idioms, plugin updates, API deprecations and replacements made me reach the point of
Yes, burnout. I just could not keep going. Thus I've decided to scale down on the number of Gradle plugin projects to be mantained and released going forward. The Kordamp Plugin Suite will remain active as it sits at the core of almost every build, that is until the time comes when builds are migrated to Maven. Updates to other plugins may or may not happen and will be evaluated in a case by case basis.
If you find any of these projects to be useful to your work then consider sponsoring my work. There's Patreon or GitHub sponsorship options. You may also become a Tidelift subscriptor and notify me of the packages you'd like to see lifted. It's also possible to sponsor (or bounty a feature!) for JReleaser via its Open Collective.
Keep on coding!