JavaFX 11 has just been released! You can get the latest release and find more documentation about it at Java 11 is just around the corner too. In order to prepare yourself for what’s coming here are the first details on modifying your Maven and Gradle builds to compile and run your Griffon project. Maven Make sure to have the latest Maven version installed. The current version is 3.5.4. Edit the pom.xml file and add a couple of additional properties <plugin.compiler.version>3.8.0</plugin.compiler.version> <javafx.version>11</javafx.version> Add the following dependencies to the <dependencies> block <dependency> <groupId>org.openjfx</groupId> <artifactId>javafx-base</artifactId> <version>${javafx.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.openjfx</groupId> <artifactId>javafx-graphics</artifactId> <version>${javafx.version}</version> Read More
Category: Griffon
Griffon Becomes 10!
I’m quite ecstatic to say that today is Griffon’s 10th year anniversary! It all started way back in late 2007 when the Groovy Swing team decided to join forces and make the existing set of Groovy based builders for a handful of Java Swing widget sets more easy to mix and match to build better looking desktop applications. At that time Grails was making a big splash in the Groovy community, thus we decided to follow their lead and create a “Grails for desktop applications”, and so Griffon became a reality when Danno posted the announcement for Griffon 0.0 back Read More
Griffon Mythbusthers
I’ve seen myths surrounding the Griffon framework appear over the years, I think it’s time to set the record straight and dispel any misinformation. Myth: Griffon projects require Gradle as a build tool. Incorrect. The preferred choice for building Griffon projects is Gradle if you happen to use a Lazybones template to bootstrap the project, however you may use Apache Maven, Apache Ant, or any other JVM build tool (even Make if you really want to) to build a Griffon project. Myth: Griffon projects can only be bootstrapped with Lazybones. Incorrect. The preferred choice for bootstrapping a Griffon project is Read More
Creating aggregate JavaFX bindings
The standard JavaFX API provides a class named Bindings that can be used to create all kinds of bindings your application may need. Methods in this class can be used to translate any Observable, ObservableValue, Binding, Expression, and/or Property into another Binding, regardless of their original type. Here’s for example how you could translate a StringProperty into an IntegerBinding, by exposing the length of the contained String: StringBinding sourceBinding = … // initialized elsewhere IntegerBinding lengthBinding = Bindings.createIntegerBinding( () -> sourceBinding.get().length(), sourceBinding); While quick and to the point we’re forced to read the value directly from the inputs (in this Read More
Happy 9th Birthday Griffon!
Today marks the 9th anniversary of Danno’s announcement of Griffon 0.0. It’s been quite the ride since then, and lots of fun if I may say so. As Danno noted, Griffon began life as a fork of the Grails codebase at the time. He literally copied the Grails source, removed everything that was related to HTTP and Servlets and added Swing on top. This allowed Griffon to bootstrap itself very quickly and begin its own journey. The feedback we’ve got was very positive and we happily continued adding more features, letting Griffon to have it’s own identity. Plugin support was Read More
Writing JavaFX applications with Kotlin
Hi there! Today I’ll like to show you how Kotlin can be used to write a JavaFX application. This particular example encompasses both runtime and buildtime aspects as I’ll also show how Gradle Kotlin Script can be used to build the project. Let’s get started! UPDATE: The code assumes you’re using Oracle JDK8 which includes JavaFX (jfxrt.jar) by default. Make sure you have a compatible JavaFX binary if you’re using a different JDK release, such as OpenJDK. You can install OpenJFX on Ubuntu by invoking sudo apt-get install openjfx for example. Update 2: You may encounter problems when attempting to Read More
Boost your JavaFX applications with Griffon
The Griffon team recently released version 2.11.0 live on stage at Gr8Conf EU, and with it comes the latest batch of updates and features that make it the best choice for writing JavaFX applications. In this post I’d like to showcase some of the features you may want to explore for your next JavaFX project. And don’t worry, you can still use these features in your application even if you do not use Griffon as your application framework of choice. Scroll to the end of the page to figure out how it can be done. JavaFX delivers a brand new Read More