Happy 9th Birthday Griffon!

Today marks the 9th anniversary of Danno’s announcement of Griffon 0.0. It’s been quite the ride since then, and lots of fun if I may say so. As Danno noted, Griffon began life as a fork of the Grails codebase at the time. He literally copied the Grails source, removed everything that was related to HTTP and Servlets and added Swing on top. This allowed Griffon to bootstrap itself very quickly and begin its own journey. The feedback we’ve got was very positive and we happily continued adding more features, letting Griffon to have it’s own identity. Plugin support was Read More

Open Source Tools: Reports – Coverage

Measuring code coverage is a good way to figure out if a project has a healthy codebase or not. There is no magic number for coverage, as with many things it software the right answer depends on the context; this being said some projects strive for the perfect 100% and will relentlessly pursue that goal, no matter what. There are a handful of projects in the Java space that can calculate the coveted number: Cobertura, JaCoCo, and OpenClover. Of the three I’d say JaCoCo is the one I use most for the following reasons: JaCoCo delivers better branch coverage statistics Read More

Get ready for BaselOne

The second edition of the BaselOne conference (previously known as JavaBasel) will take place in October 19th in the city of Basel, Switzerland. This is a great opportunity to catch up with your peers, establish those essential network relationships, get the content directly from the source, also enjoy some fondue or chocolate too. The speaker lineup is ready, the content has a good mix of Java, JavaScript, and other useful software related topics. Tickets are still available if you want to join us! There’s one pre-conference event taking place one month before, we call it The Road to BaselOne, a Read More

Open Source Tools: Licensing

A key aspect for a FLOSS project to be successful is to choose the correct licensing scheme. There are tons of license you can choose from, a good starting point would OSI’s Licenses & Standards page. Take some time to review some of them, as each one defines duties and benefits that you as an author, your contributors, and the users of your code have access to. When in doubt please contact someone that’s knowledgeable in the subject, for example you can reach out to the OSI directly, or ask at the mailing list/forum of a popular project which may Read More

[Interview] Kirk Pepperdine @ JCrete

Kirk Pepperdine is one of the 3 co-founders of JCrete. In this interview we delve into what JCrete is and what happened until the second day of JCrete 2017.

[Interview] Ray Tsang @ JCrete

Ray Tsang works at Google as Google Cloud Advocate. He tours the world speaking at conferences, JUGs, and other developer events speaking about the stuff that happens inside Google Cloud and related projects. He’s quite fond of gRPC, a technology that allows bi-directional streaming using a binary protocol. He’s also the author of JDeferred, a Java library that provides an implementation of the Promise concept, making it quite easy to write asynchronous applications. We talk about these topics, particularly on the differences between JDK8’s CompletableFuture and JDeferred’s Promise; on this regard, I recently wrote an article titled JDeferred: Simple Handling Read More

[Interview] Rickard Öberg @ JCrete

Rickard Öberg, Java Champion hailing from Sweden now residing in Malaysia, has been involved with Java since the early days. He’s known for his work on the original JBoss and his contributions to Neo4J, nowadays he spends his time building systems using Event Sourcing. In this interview Rickard shares some of the benefits that might make you consider using Event Sourcing as an architecture design. The noise heard on the background is the cicadas close to the beach, it was pretty hot outside that day at JCrete!

[Interview] Sebastian Daschner @ JCrete

Sebastian Daschner is a fellow Java Champion seriously involved with the JCP, JavaEE and other topics. We touch on the subject of J2EE != JavaEE, containers, Open Source, naming (one of the 3 hardest problem in IT, the other being cache invalidation ;-). Sebastian travels around the world sharing knowledge and his experiences with Java developers, often times with Stephen Chin (Nighthacking). Together with Steve he started a brand new unconference in Japan named JOnsen.

[Interview] Simone Bordet @ JCrete

Simone Bordet has been involved with the Jetty project since the turn of the millennium. In this interview he explains the origins of Jetty as the first Open Source project in the Java space (and still going strong!). Jetty has spearheaded many features and advancements in the web space and Java by being the first project to implement SPDY, HTTP/2, provide the foundation to AsyncHttp based on Servlets, and more. Simone also shares some tips to get started with Open Source and grow a community.

[Interview] Simon Maple @ JCrete

Simon Maple, Director of Developer Experience at ZeroTurnaround and founder of the Virtual JUG, explains what the vJUG is and its importance for the broad Java community. We also touch on the subject of vJUG24, the first online conference in the Java space, running for 24 hours non-stop. Be sure to mark October 25th on your calendar because vJUG24 will be jam packed with content!

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