JReleaser 0.8.0 has been released!

JReleaser v0.8.0 has just been released! This release closes all required items in the v1.0.0 roadmap, opening the door for v1.0.0 to be released next after polish and housekeeping items are taken care of. There are no breaking changes in this release however be advised that v1.0.0 will remove all deprecated code thus please update your configuration as soon as possible. There are plenty of improvements in several areas, a quick summary of the highlights follows: Internationalization All modules have been retrofitted with internationalization support. In particular the CLI tool has been translated to English, German, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Read More

JReleaser 0.7.0 has been released!

The latest JReleaser release, v0.7.0, is out! This is a smaller release compared with previous ones as core features are mostly complete. There’s a single breaking change in this release and should concern you if and only if you make use of the JDKs Gradle plugin. Here’s a quick summary of what’s new: Homebrew In v0.6.0 for distributions of type BINARY, that is those that provide executables regardless of their source language, Homebrew would automatically generate a Cask instead of a Formula and would not give you a chance to make it the other way. Now in v0.7.0 you’re back Read More

JReleaser 0.6.0 has been released!

JReleaser v0.6.0 is out and about! There are a total of 64 items listed in the v0.6.0 milestone, please be mindful of the small set of breaking changes brought by this release. There are plenty of improvements in several areas, a quick summary of the highlights follows: Homebrew Several updates were made to the Homebrew packager. To begin with, artifacts that target both OSX and Linux can now be used in the same Formula. The binary stanza is also supported in Casks, giving you the option to install a .zip artifact. The appcast stanza is supported in Casks as well. Read More

Crafting rolling releases for a Quarkus CLI application

I’ve been working on a tool called JReleaser for sometime now. JReleaser shortens the distance between your binaries and potential consumers by packaging and publishing said binaries using formats and tools that consumers enjoy, such as Homebrew, Scoop, Docker, etc. All kind of Java (and since v0.5.0 also non-Java) applications are supported, this being said CLI applications are ideal. There are many ways to build CLI applications with Java, it so happens that Quarkus is one of them. I’ve been looking for an excuse to setup a Quarkus project to try out JReleaser with it, little did I know that Read More

JReleaser 0.5.0 has been released!

The latest JReleaser version is out! v0.5.0 is readily available for download. As always, this release is comprised of bug fixes and new features listed at v0.5.0 milestone. Please take special note of the breaking changes introduced in this release. Version 0.5.0 introduces 2 additional distribution types, 2 additional announcers, and refinements over Jlink and NativeImage distributions. A quick summary of what’s now available follows: Generic Binary Distributions JReleaser supports Java binary distributions since its first release, however this new type allows JReleaser to package and publish non-Java distributions, the only requirement is to follow the standard Linux binary distribution Read More

JReleaser 0.4.0 has been released!

I’m ecstatic to announce that JReleaser v0.4.0 is readily available! This release brings a host of features and bug fixes that should make your release process snappier and customizable. Take special note of the breaking changes introduced in this release, as always all features and fixes are collected in matching milestone. Starting with this release there are now 4 cross-platform Java Runtimes to help you get started: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux (glibc), and Linux (musl). Here’s a quick recap of the new features available in this release: Additional Git Releasers GitHub, GitLab, and Gitea are supported since the first JReleaser Read More

JReleaser 0.3.0 has been released!

Another two weeks have passed since release v0.2.0 and now I’m happy to say that release v0.3.0 is readily available! This version brings lots of improvements to existing features and adds a few more. Take special note of the breaking changes; the v0.3.0 milestone shows the full list of updates and fixes. Perhaps the most important change found in this release is the option to run JReleaser without needing a Java runtime before launching. Cross-platform Java Runtimes JReleaser 0.2.0 added an the ability to assemble cross-platform Java Runtimes with Jlink; given that JReleaser releases itself it should be no surprise Read More

JReleaser 0.2.0 has been released!

With just two weeks since its first release, JReleaser has posted its second release: 0.2.0 is here! This version is an overhaul of the whole tool across the board, as shown by the list of issues associated with the v0.2.0 milestone. There you’ll find bug fixes, small features, and big features, some of them which will be described in the following paragraphs. Auto Config Releases The original idea behind JReleaser is to publish Java binaries via several distribution channels, such as Homebrew, Snap, Scoop, etc. These distribution channels typically require downloading artifacts from a Git release page, which is why Read More

JReleaser says hello!

I’m beyond ecstatic to announce that JReleaser has finally posted its first release! JReleaser 0.1.0 is readily available, you can find more about this tool at https://jreleaser.org. So what is JReleaser? In just once sentence: the quick and effortless way to release your Java project! For 2 decades we have relied on Maven Central as the de facto place for publishing JARs. However, options for publishing binary distributions (such as Zip and Tar) abound, often times tied with specific platforms such as Homebrew for Mac, Snapcraft for Linux, and Scoop for Windows, among others. JReleaser’s goal is to lower the Read More

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